Functional Medicine Health & Wellness Coaching For Businesses

Guiding & Empowering employees In Overcoming Health & Life Struggles

A Compassionate, Positive & Whole Person Approach

My life’s passion & calling is helping you, live a life true to you, and live your healthiest most fulfilling and joyful life by sharing the knowledge and wisdom I’ve gained triumphing over the devastating health & life struggles my children and I have faced.

Struggles to Triumph’s Employee Wellness Coaching for Businesses focuses on educating employees about the positive impact multiple healthy lifestyle behaviors have on their health and well-being through developing and incorporating healthier habits that resonate with them and fit into their lives.

All Individual Employee and Group Health Coaching Sessions and Interactive Workshops Include

Employee Group Health Coaching (3-7 people)

Online or IN-Person Employee Group Coaching is for 3-7 employees in multiple coaching sessions and provides training, tips, and information to help them with life struggles in a group setting.

Individual Employee 1:1 Coaching

Our conversations are a safe, compassionate, positive, and confidential place for your employees to share what is on their heart and mind. I will be their personal ally, walking with them every step of the way. I will be honest and share evidence-based information along with my experience-based perspective as to what I feel will best help them achieve their goals.

Employee Educational Workshops (5-25 people)

Employee Group Coaching Workshops are one session for 5-25 people and provide training, tips, and information to help them with life struggles in a group setting. Workshops also include 1 FREE Coaching session for each workshop attendee, for up to 7 attendees, support topic of their choice. Employees can choose a topic for the 45-minute free coaching session and we'll help develop an action plan for them, whether it's dealing with stress, nutrition, physical activity, or a different topic.

Pricing Options

Employee Health Coaching Workshops

Navigating Stress Lite

Educational & Interactive 1.5 hour Workshop for up to 25 Employees

BONUS: 45 minute Individual Follow-Up  Health & Wellness Coaching Session for up to 7 Attendees


How to Boost Your Health by Sleeping Better

Educational & Interactive 1.5 hour Workshop for up to 25 Employees

BONUS: 45 minute Individual Follow-Up Health & Wellness Coaching Session for up to 7 Attendees


Daily Habits To Improve Your Blood Pressure & Blood Sugar

Empower your employees with the knowledge and the opportunity to develop the mindset and skills for improving their blood pressure and/or blood sugar levels. Educational & Interactive 5 Week Group Health & Wellness Coaching for Up to 7 People (in-person or video sessions).


Navigating Stress Pro

Empower your employees with the knowledge and the opportunity to develop the mindset and skills to navigate stress better and feel more resilient. Educational & Interactive 5 Week Group Health & Wellness Coaching for Up to 7 People (in-person or video sessions).


Employee Wellness Programs & Peer Health Coach & Manager Testimonials

"I had given up with my health and weight and stopped caring about myself. But, because you cared so much about me and my health, I found the strength and the courage to start caring about myself again and try one more time. I can't believe how much better I feel now."

~8-week Workshop Participant

"I feel the BEST I've ever felt in 10 yrs and achieved my goal of getting the Guidance, Support, Direction, and Education to take back Control of my life. I have found my VOICE! My mindset has shifted - I have ownership of my health now, and have learned how to advocate for myself with my health and setting boundaries in relationships at home and at work! I feel significantly more resilient and have significantly improved my ability to manage stress. Alicia helped me draw a map to navigate my health and life which has been life-changing!"


"I so appreciate you and all your efforts, knowledge and compassionate way of teaching. You are able to put things in a positive perspective that help me listen, learn, and feel valued. These coaching sessions provided Time for Me. Time to think about what should really be important to ME and FOR ME. I would never have stopped to do some simple but important things for myself without you. For that I am very grateful! I never stopped long enough to truly consider the importance of things like breathing, mindfulness, chemical-chemicals-chemicals EveryWhere! (OMG) I feel like I have been wasting 50 years of good health (doing real damage) because I have followed the general belief that if they can sell it in America on a grocery store shelf, it must be ok... NOT OK. Thank you again for all you do and all you are. You are the best thing the owner of this company has given me in 7 years of working with him!"


"I had the pleasure of working alongside Alicia as we completed individual coaching for our participants. She integrated smoothly into our team dynamic as we designed programming, developed education classes, and created a cohesive dynamic for representing Wellness within our organization. Right away Alicia added depth to our program. She has a depth of knowledge in Integrative Health, health and wellness coaching, Mindfulness, and exercise physiology. Alicia is a lifelong learner, researching and applying the most current and applicable health/wellness principals. The heart of coaching for Alicia is her whole person perspective. She utilizes her expertise in coaching in a style truly informed by her values of respect, dignity, and compassion for her fellow man. My recommendation would be incomplete without mentioning that in the work of Health and Wellness Alicia is a confident, courageous, and creative force for the betterment of others' lives."

~Former Peer Nurse Health Coach

"I had the pleasure of working as Alicia's supervisor during her position as Health Coach for our company's employee wellness program. Alicia's skillset for and dedication to health coaching were exceptional. Alicia's passion for coaching and empathy for her participants was evident daily in her work. She was a leader amongst her colleagues both within and outside of our department."

~Former Manager/Employee Wellness Department, Sara

"Alicia demonstrates the highest compassion, empathy, and passion for motivating people to live healthier lives.She goes over and beyond in facilitating positive behavior change and customer service. Not only does she coach others in exercise, weight management, stress management, nutrition, tobacco cessation but actively practices healthy behaviors in her own life. Her genuine patience, kindness, compassion, empathy, positive relationship building, and consumer-centric focus would be an added value to any team."

~Former Manager/Wellness Coaching Programs for Employers, Jeremy

"To encompass all that I learned and gained from working closely with Alicia Schoolman, Synergy Health, would be very difficult. Alicia was someone that approached me where I was and guided me to health. Her wealth of knowledge in all aspects of the person was incredible. She not only helped me physically but mentally and spiritually to heal. Her calls were packed with tidbits, knowledge, encouragement and gentle guidance. In one year, I learned that I do have the choice to help heal my body through what I eat and how I live. This program gave me back my life and then some. The wealth of knowledge that I learned is immeasurable. I took notes during each meeting and have a notebook full of pertinent information for living healthier. I use the notebook as a reference and as a tool to continue to live healthier. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder in 2001 when my youngest son was 6 months old. Today he is 22 years old. That is an awfully long time to not function and feel poorly. To know there are choices and to become more in charge of my life has been freeing. The program that Synergy Health has designed for the employees of New Hanover County, NC is priceless. I would recommend anyone able to participate to do so and get your life back on track. I cannot adequately express my gratitude toward Alicia Schoolman and Dr. Noonan, for their genuine care that they gave me over this past year."


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is a Good Fit For Your Business

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Grief Support

Provide a safe, compassionate, and supportive atmosphere for employees dealing with grief, always honoring their pace, and meeting them where they are. I have co-led a grief support group at my church for those who have lost loved ones and have experience coaching people dealing with all forms of grief: the loss of loved ones, the loss of jobs, broken family relationships, and abusive relationships.

My Coaching Philosophy

We Are a Team & I Am Your Guide

Hearing and understanding your story and learning what matters most to you helps me learn how I can best support and guide you. Our sessions together are about creating healthy lifestyle habits that resonate with you and work best for you while also adding in what brings greater meaning, purpose, and joy into your life. Our conversations are a safe, compassionate, positive, and confidential place for you to share what is on your heart and mind. I will be your personal ally, walking with you every step of the way.  I will be honest and share evidence-based information along with my experience-based perspective as to what I feel will best help you achieve your goals. I will never tell you what to do; I will honor what you feel is best for you. My hope is to empower and inspire you to live a life well with your heart & soul – a life true to you.               

Helping You Create Healthy Lifestyle Habits Tailored to You – Habits You Can Maintain for a Lifetime

Each person’s and family’s journey in life is unique, so I provide personalized support and guidance to help you transform health and life struggles into triumphs. Our work together will provide you with resources, skills, and tools that resonate with you, align with your values, and are well with your soul. I will walk alongside you as your guide, supporting and empowering you every step of the way with compassion, and honesty, providing a safe place, as you develop simple and healthier lifestyle habits, skills, and mindsets, so you can live your healthiest, most fulfilling and joyful life. Your unique, healthy lifestyle will help you better navigate the tsunamis of life, live a life true to you, and live a life aligned with what matters most to you!

Making Changes Simple & Realistic

I simplify the confusion around what’s truly healthy, cutting through the misleading marketing from industries that push false promises. The changes you make will be practical and achievable, and while they may not always be easy, I’ll guide and support you every step of the way. Together, we’ll create a unique healthy lifestyle that equips you with the skills, knowledge, and mindset to overcome any challenges life brings.

FREE Consultation!

Want to Learn More About Functional Medicine Health Coaching?

*These sessions are for guidance purposes and are not intended to be a substitution for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician with questions regarding a medical condition, or interactions between supplements and prescription medications.

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